Your Guide To Dealing With Sentimental Items When You Move


When you move to a new home -- especially if you're downsizing or moving a long distance -- it's common to go through your possessions and get rid of items you don't need. It's not usually very tough to throw away a beaten-up old purse you haven't used in ages or a cracked mug you got at a yard sale, but what about sentimental items? What do you do with those 16 framed pictures of the family dog who passed away when you were a kid or the 8 potholders your mother knit you, but that you don't use because they burn your hands?

8 December 2016

A Month Before the Move: 3 Ways to Save Money and Stay Ahead of Schedule


Sometimes house moves are sudden and without a lot of time to plan. If your move has been planned for several months, then you have the luxury of making the process go as smoothly as possible. It's easy to procrastinate and put the preparation off, but around four weeks before the move is the ideal time to start planning seriously. By starting well ahead of the moving date, you have the decisions and control in your own hands.

10 October 2016